Our sporting club sessions welcome junior and senior clubs! They are completely customisable as we know not one size fits all! We are aware that sometimes there needs to be a different approach when strengthening the club as a whole and supporting its players individually and collectively.

We speak with all key club stakeholders to ensure the content, timing and delivery method will engage the players and coaches with our variety of sessions.
It is essential we leave each session at a club with an improved mindset, coupled with the methods and strategies to be better as individuals and mates. We have guides and posters to reiterate the sessions messaging and prompt positive actions within your sporting club.


We take a fresh approach to mental health, wellbeing and mindset support for sporting clubs.

— Taela Davis (Co-Founder)

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  • How to support players (Coach & Committee standpoint)

  • Resilience and Wellbeing strategies

  • Mindset Strengthening (On & Off the field)

  • Mental Health Support and Resources

  • How to keep players engaged with the club during hard times

  • Club culture, creating a supportive, all-inclusive and connected club

All of our sessions include and can be done:

  • In-person at the club

  • Via Zoom sessions

  • Can include a FB group chat for the club which becomes a supportive platform with all content, information and resources

  • Guides and Support Documents to take away and keep forever

Contact us.

Got some other things in mind you need help with but not sure if we can help? Get in contact with us today and ask - we’re happy to help as much as we can and if we know we can’t help, we can direct you to someone or another organisation who can!!